So it’s business as usual, I see. Aright, sounds good, let’s keep on breaking those hearts with that excessive force of yours, Ben. You’re doing it right!

Today, Kacie B unsuckled herself from her mother’s teet, and stepped out into adulthood. You guys I’m so prouda her! Taking her first steps! Awwww, MY WHITTLES, I KNOW EVERYBODY THINKS THEIR BABY IS A GENIUS, BUT YOU ARE REALLY A GENIUS.
BEN: “My date with Kacie B was very fun, she… goes with the flow, and GOD, do I appreciate it.” So true. They’re really so hard to fiiiiiind; these aggressively passive, sedated girls without goals of their own… right Ben? Or I’m just kidding and they’re actually everywhere you turn, just close your eyes and point. See, this is where I don’t get why you haven’t found love already. The only legitimate reason would be that you’re a vapid soulless human being who never learned what it is to be empathic and on a scale of 1 to 10 on the scale of human evolution you’re at about a 3.5 = juuuust starting to stand up and walk/make fire.
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