Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bachelor Ben - Episode 1

Oh man. Quite the premiere. I'd like to just state for the record that I like Ben, and it's really nice to have a non-robot bachelor...Brad was a little too slow for my tastes. Ben seems much more entertaining.

In the intros we see Ben on the vineyard, hanging out in San Fran, driving his truck...blah blah blah. Basically we're supposed to think he's masculine yet sensitive, as evidenced by his love of v-necks.

Then we meet a couple of the ladiessss. Lindzi is annoying to me, but I know she's a fan favorite already - she reminds people of Tenley, I'll just leave it at that. She LOVES horses. More on that later. We also meet Amber T from Nebraska, who likes to shoot things and eat cow balls. There's nothing like saying "I'm a tomboy" to make me despise a person (tomboys are great, girls that love to brag about being tomboys, are not), but I actually ended up liking Amber T later on. We meet Nicki who is a young divorcee, Kacie who is from Tennessee (that seems to be the extent of her "story"), Shawn who has a son (shades of Lil Ricki), Jenna the "Sex and the City" type "love blogger" (thanks Bachelor producers for that job description), Courtney who is a MODEL and Jaime who is a nurse and had to take care of all of her younger siblings at a young age because her parents weren't in the picture. Out of all of them, I like Jaime the most, and Nicki, while a bit manic, seems really sweet.

Then it's time for the millions of awkward intros to Ben back at the mansion. Yeah it's necessary, but I find this part of the show excessively awkward. Some notables were Emily with the first kiss, Erika telling Ben he's "guilty...of being sexy", Brittney brings her grandma (cute, I'll admit), Jenna butchering Ben's own quote about "good things ending badly"...ughhh so much awkwardness. I'm getting bored just writing about it.

Lindzi shows up on a horse (annoying) but Ben clearly likes it, because he gives her the FIRST IMPRESSION ROSE OMG! Lindzi has a lot of confidence and is also clearly smoking hot, which Ben is very appreciative of.

At the party, Jenna gets into a fight (?) with Monica, whose only real contribution seems to be laughing drunkly and making lesbian overtures to Blakely, but Jenna gets EXCEPTIONALLY UPSET and decides to hide in the bathroom, sobbing, and almost misses the rose ceremony. The producers clearly see rating gold and miraculously she gets the final rose of the night.

In: Blakeley, Brittney, Casey, Courtney, Elyse, Emily, Erika, Jaclyn, Jaime, Jenna, Jennifer, Kacie, Lindzi, Monica, Nicki, Rachel, Samantha, Shawn

Out: Shira,  the Ambers, Anna, Dianna, Holly, Lyndsie

Some links:

Check out the episode online if you missed it. 

Chris Harrison's blog.

Ashley Spivey's blog and Bachelor bracket.

Chris Harrison's interview with TV Guide...where he talks about how he thought Jenna would be a front runner!

Till next time!

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