Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pre-Bach shenanigans

Allo there,

Who's pumped for the Bach tomorrow?? I'm totally pumped but I'm not actually even watching tomorrow, because I'm going to be flying back home when it's on. Basically that means that I can't look at Twitter for the next 24 hours, which is probably going to kill me. I'll have updates and reposts of blog posts on Wednesday, so be sure to check back in with me then! Did y'all see that Shawntel is going to be the mystery guest tomorrow? I always really liked her on Brad's season, but I don't see her getting a rose - something about Chris Harrison's last blog post made me think that she leaves empty-handed. But we'll see!

One more item of business: what to serve at a bachelor viewing party that is San Francisco themed? Well other than Rice-A-Roni. I'm thinking maybe egg rolls because Chinatown is big there...did you know that the fortune cookie was invented there? And maybe some sangria because we're still in wine country! On second thought, those seem a little strange together. Let me know if you have any other suggestions. I'll be back on Wednesday!

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