Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why I love the graph form

I was thinking about doing a post explaining why I - as a seemingly rational, moderately intelligent individual - get Bachelor fever twice a year (sorry Bach Pad, you don't hold the same sway). I'm still going to do that post, but I wanted to break it down into a graph, in order to indulge my laziness and love of pie charts.

So let's break it down:

It's on Monday nights: 10%
Obviously Monday's suck. But Mondays when there's a Bach episode and a Bach viewing party waiting for you that night? Those Monday's are amazing. Now you might say, wait a second, you just like getting together with friends and watching something together. FALSE. If that were true, I'd be just as jazzed about Monday night football. And I'm not. Bachelor Mondays just have something extra special.

The DRAMZ: 20%
I do love the drama. Girls freaking out when Shawntel shows up? Fantastic. Ashley finally telling Bentley to shove it after WEEKS of pining over him? Classic. But dramz for me is only 20%. That's why I can't get into Bachelor Pad in the same way. It's about 100% dramz. I like that Bach has the drama, but it doesn't overpower the show.

Pretty people, pretty scenery: 5%
This one is small, but impossible to deny. This show is really pretty to watch.

Chris Harrison: 5%
Oh man. How can I ever describe my love for Chris Harrison? From his sweater vests to his clear boredom while listening to Ashley talk about Bentley for the millionth time, C Harr is a king among men. He has the sappiest lines ever uttered on cable TV, but he is also clearly a total bro. Chris Harrison, you will always be my final rose.

Mocking it with friends: 30%
This one is big. Watching the Bach alone is entertaining, definitely. But having friends around to mock Brittney when she claims "this is the hardest decision of my LIFE" or to roll your eyes to when Chris Harrison claims this is the MOST. DRAMATIC. SEASON. EVER. is crucial.

Ok, the romance of it: 30%
Many people claim they "just watch for the drama" or say, "it makes me feel better about myself." But that's not entirely true. In the end, it's exciting and entertaining to watch people fall in love. Why else do people continue to go see formulaic chick flicks or read NYT "vows"? I'm not ashamed to admit that the romance of it gets me every time!

So why do YOU watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this information on bachelors. Last month, I arranged a bachelor party of my best friend at one of the exquisite Seattle venues. Invited all our friends and we had pretty good time at this party. It was a memorable day.
